ONGOING: We had a great turnout for Afternoon with the Artist in the Bernie Schwab room at the Arden Craft Shop Museum. Janet Williams will continue to display her work through April 15 (I believe). Which means you have 2 more Sundays to check it out. The museum is open 1-3 PM on Sundays. ** Based on the success of this event, AAC will continue to work with the ACSM on more such afternoons with artisans from our group. Bev Hawkins has agreed to be the liaison between the two groups to facilitate these afternoons. Stay tuned for more information on how to sign up to show your work.

APRIL 14, 5:30-7PM : Artist & art conservationist Hugh Phibbs, continually solves for paper preservation despite his retirement from the Natl Gallery in DC. His "New Works" this April show a new medium that appears as watercolor, and uses methylcellulose as a paste adhesive & varnish, thus requiring no glazing. At the Buzz! Reception immediately followed by Coffeehouse Open Mic in Rooms 1&2 ($5 cover).

APRIL 15: DEADLINE. Email us anything for out May calendar at ardenartisans@gmail.com

APRIL 25, 7-9PM: Spring Arden Artisan Social We will start our social with Powerpoint/art presentation by several member artisans. Come see what new work our talented neighbors are doing. Following the “show and tell” we will have light refreshments and socializing/networking. We will provide cake. Feel free to bring a treat for the communal table—or not. Optional. All are invited, artisans and non-artisans alike.  Bring friends. I talked to a few of you who said you might like to show. Please, let me know for certain of your intention as we are limiting the number of artists. Contact Jill at Ardenartisans@gmail.com. As before, we will be collecting donations for the Buzz.

Nothing is set in stone. But here are some ideas we are working on.
*I am working on lining up a Photographing Your Artwork workshop with Joe del Tufo on a Sunday afternoon. We are looking at dates now. 
*We had someone mention that they would love to work with the kids in the ACRA Summer Program. But I can't remember who. How can we as a group, or representatives of our group, connect with the program participants? 
*ARDEN FAIR. Do we want to have a presence at the Arden Fair. What would that look like? Anybody want to head this up? Maybe we could have a booth with items for sale from members. We won't be asking for donations--that was a one time deal. How else could we showcase our members? AAC Member, Janet Williams will be the featured artist in the Backstage Gallery at the Fair. Does anybody want to head up this initiative? 
*A third Artisan Social in late Sept/early October. Another Small Art Show at the Buzz in December with accompanying craft show. (The art show would be exclusive to AAC. The Craft Show would give AAC members first opportunity.) 
* Another Social Media Workshop--exact subject TBD. Summer or Fall
* With the success of last year, we have interest in doing another small art show for December. The Art Show would be exclusively AAC. AAC members would also have first stab at marketplace before opening to the general public. (This has been discussed generally, but nothing has been finalized in any way.) As always, we are looking for people to help with this initiative.


JANUARY/FEBRUARY:  AAC RETREAT on a Saturday? WHAT IF... we rented out a couple rooms at the Buzz and had an all-day event?  We could have a brainstorming session. Speaker(s) on social media or someone from local galleries/arts organizations or someone with entrepreneurial insights. We could set up a well-lit, photography station where we could take headshots and/or photograph our art/products. We could do a group art project. Networking Lunch. What else could we include? Would you be willing to pay to come to such an event? How much? (This would determine the agenda.) $20-5 for basic? More if we had to pay speakers? Are we interested enough to put on contract on some rooms? If the interest is there, who is up to be on the committee for this event?

I have mentioned before that we have an Earth Day Show lined up for March/April 2024 at the Delaware Center for Horticulture that I will be curating. More details on that, but start to think about possible pieces that have an ecological theme.

I was approached by Eric Berman of The Grand. He wants us to have an AAC show at the the large Gallery of the Baby Grand in June/July 24. He has pencilled us in for that month. Is there interest? Can we fill that big gallery? PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Who wants to work with Eric (and me??) on this initiative. This is once again a show that would feature 2D work. Eric has said we could possibly bring in display cases for the opening(s) to show 3D work. 

Our 3D Artisans sometimes get the short straw. Looking for someone who wants to take on the task of looking for avenues to showcase our 3D Artisans. Maybe someone who has some skin in the game.

Please, look over these possible offerings? Which piece would you like to be involved in? Doesn't have to be a leadership role, just a willingness to help. Though leaders are needed, too. The more people who take ownership of AAC, the more power we have to make things happen, and the more longevity this group will have.  

I really want to hear from you. Email me your thoughts on the above suggestions and what tasks you are willing to take on for the good of the group. ardenartisans@gmail.com.

All best,
 Jill Althouse-Wood

P.S. I still have car stickers available for $3. Let get our logo out into the world. Free stickers to anyone who wants to put one on the guard rail at the I95 ramp. 😜 I am just seeing who has read this until the end.