1. ARDEN FAIR BOOTH:  We have eight artisans to participating in the booth this year: Micah Altman, David Gerbec, Lee Hoover, Rachel Kantner, Megan King, Betty O'Regan, Denis O'Regan, Mary Lou Robinson.  They have been meeting to discuss booth display, how to collect money, etc. While the booth gives these artists a chance to sell their wares, it is is important to the group because it gives AAC visibility, a chance to tell others about our group, and collect names for our email list.  Plus we can advertise for our upcoming initiatives.  We will need more people to take two-hour shifts. Rachel Kantner is organizing this effort. Please email Rachel if you are willing to take a shift.  If the someone on the committee approaches you for help, please respond generously to their pleas (large or small) for help, on or leading up to fair day.

If anyone has a small item to donate to a gift basket giveaway, we are also taking donations. Don't feel obligated. This is a smaller effort than last year. The giveaway is an enticement to collect emails to market for our events. (Not a fundraiser, but important in terms of expanding our outreach.) So far we have notecards from Jeanne and a mug from Jill (If a ceramicist wants to donate a mug, Jill can change to coasters.) Email Jill at if you have something to contribute.. In addition, we will ask any AAC members with booths to proudly display an AAC logo prominently--can be our oval sticker--as well as postcards for the AAC Small Art show in December.  Lastly, please make a point of stopping by the booth during the fair and supporting our working artisans in their endeavors. 10% of proceeds of the booth go to The Arden Club. 10% goes to AAC.

2. The work of the Delaware Division of the Arts Fellows, including Arden Artists Ron Meick and Jill Althouse-Wood, will be featured in a group exhibition, Award Winners XXIII, at the Biggs Museum of American Art, and will travel to CAMP Rehoboth and Cab Calloway School of the Arts.

BIGGS MUSEUM (Free admission all summer)
July 13- September 24, 2023

Rehoboth Beach
August 10-September 8, 2023
Reception August 10 from 6-8 p.m.

October 2-November 3, 2023
Reception: October 6 from 6-8 p.m.

3. AFTERNOON WITH THE ARTIST: August's installment is going to be a celebration of the written word. If you are interested in participating as an artist in the Afternoon with the Artist series , please email Beverly Hawkins.

The Arden Craft Shop Museum presents:

The enduring presence of the Poets of Arden
”And they are the brave and noble Who will work against the tide.”
Poetry Reading Conversation and Champagne Reception
Sunday, August 13, 2023 1:00-3:00 pm
Bernie Schwab Community Room in the Arden Craft Shop Museum

As members of the Arden Artisans Collective, the Arden Craft Shop Museum will present a reading of selected poems and an historical exhibit of works by Arden poets, Marjorie Poinsette Jobson, Frank Stephens and Walt Whitman. A reading of selected verses of Whitman’s poem, “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”, will include a visit to the “Walt Whitman Lilacs memorial” on the village green adjacent to the Arden Craft Shop. Poetry will be read by Maren Wood. Allan Kleban will perform, “Over the Hills.”

4. FALL ARTISAN SOCIAL--We have a date for our next Artisan Social. September 25th, 2023 from 7-9 PM at the Buzz. If you would like to present work, let me know. Work should be new work. We will take repeat artisans if you have new work you want to share. Email Jill if you are interested in showing (can be actual work or images for powerpoint).

5. EARTH DAY ART EXHIBIT-- I am curating an exhibit of AAC Artists with an Earth Day Theme to take place at the Delaware Horticultural Center in March/April 2024. I will be putting out a call for the first round of entries by the end of October. We need images to the DHC by November for their marketing team. Start to think about what you may want to submit and have good images ready. Work needs to be able to be hung on a wall for this exhibit.  No freestanding 3D work. This is our first exhibit outside of the Ardens, so I am looking for quality presentation that puts us in a good light and artwork that fits the theme of Earth Day. 

6. WEBSITE LISTING RENEWAL--Artisan listings in the AAC Websites run November to November. We will start collecting $20 renewals/new listings for the 2023-4 year s at the September Artisan Social. If you need a page designed to go with your listing, that cost is a one time fee of $50. Updates to your page can be made at a nominal rate.

9. SMALL ART SHOW/WINTER MARKET-- We will once again have the AAC Small Art Show for the First Friday Art Loop in December at the Buzz. It looks like it may be up for three weekends this year. TBD. Like last year, members will be allowed to submit. One change is that in addition to the Buzz taking their 10% cut of any sales, the AAC will also be taking 10% of sales for a total of 20% commission on any pieces sold. I can't remember the size qualifications we had for last year's show. Anybody know? My pieces were 10" square. I think we may have allowed 18" in any direction. It will be similar this year if you are thinking ahead and preparing. We will include work by any high school students who want to participate. All work must be available for sale and finished in a professional manner. 2D work must be ready to hang. 

A winter market will also happen concurrently to the December Art Loop on Friday, December 1. AAC members will have first shot at tables, a few weeks before we open it to the greater public. The applications for that will probably go out Early October. 

8. AAC RETREAT--Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 20th, 2024 from 7AM-3Pm. This is an important date. We are hoping for lots of participation. (You don't need to participate whole day). We are going to be creating a day that will set us all up for success in the new year--think growth mindset for individual artists as well as our group. In planning for the day we are considering having someone lead a meditation/journaling hour (optional) to start the day at 7. Then a welcome period with coffee and light breakfast items at 8:30 with an official AAC 2023 kickoff meeting at 9. After that we will have speakers, activities, and prepared lunch. The cost of the retreat will be $25 to cover costs of Buzz rental and breakfast/lunch. Pre-registration will be required.

Next meeting for retreat planing will be after the fair. Tuesday, September 12 at 7 PM.  Put it on your calendar if you are interested in helping to organize. Location of meeting TBD.